It's not about business. It's about people.

We believe that everyone has a unique purpose to transform lives. Luksai is a collaborative platform that connects digital entrepreneur to social actions around the world.

We believe that scarcity in the world is not just related to wealth inequality, but knowledge inequality.

At Luksai you will find the complete solution for the growth of your digital business while giving back to community. Luksai also offers co-creators features, enabling digital creators to share their wins with strategic business partners as well as with a range of NGOs giving back to the community.


How do I start?

Develop your product with no upfront costs in just a few minutes.


Create your account

Register your personal and financial data on the platform.


Create your product

Create a new product with your transformation promise, modules, lessons, videos, and supplementary materials such as PDFs.


Sales Link

Your sales link is generated automatically. Add it to your sales page or send it directly to your audience.

In which platform would you like to create your account?

Qual plataforma você gostaria de acessar:

Em qual plataforma você gostaria de criar a sua conta:

Which platform would you like to access?